“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are.”

Carl Jung

Welcome to your safe space for healing and growth.

Hi, I’m so glad you’re here!

Therapy can often be a vague, unclear practice, and I’d like to take some of the mystery out of it. What do we do in therapy? What does it mean to “process” our experiences? How does talking about our past help us with our present?

An analogy that resonates with me is to imagine living through a war. When the war is over, we are able to return to our normal daily lives. However, there are still minefields with active bombs that we need to be aware of. Our past lives within us and is often a minefield inside of us. Therapy is the dismantling of those “bombs” so they are no longer reactive within us or able to continue dictating our lives. To process our experiences is to talk about them, make sense of them, and allow ourselves to feel the feelings that come with them - all within the safety and warmth of the therapeutic space. More and more of our authentic self is able to emerge.

Whether you're suffering from anxiety or depression, struggling in relationships, feeling a low sense of self-worth, or grappling with the effects of trauma, you don’t have to do it alone. I also specialize in working with people dealing with the many impacts of chronic illness as well as those who are navigating or deconstructing their religious world. In our sessions, you’ll find a supportive and compassionate environment to explore and process your experiences. Together, we'll work to gain a deeper understanding and insight into your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. We will look at your past traumas and how they continue to impact you today. This is where your experiences are validated, and your path to healing is honored. Let's take those steps together, at your own pace, towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Areas of Practice

  • Living with chronic illness profoundly impacts every aspect of your life, including employment, social life, relationships, parenting, and so much more. It affects your sense of self worth and identity as you adjust to having limited capabilities in an ablist world where productivity is considered paramount. Many chronic illnesses and disabilities are invisible to the outside world, which often means that they are misunderstood or not believed - sometimes even by the very doctors you turn to for treatment. Here your challenges will be heard, validated, and seen by someone who understands.

  • Anxiety is draining and exhausting, getting in the way of your full potential. It often gets in the way of relationships, because it's not always comfortable to be with someone who's anxious. Let's uncover the roots and work towards letting go of what holds you back.

  • If you're feeling blah, losing appetite, not sleeping well, or feeling down, sad, and worthless, chances are you're experiencing depression. One of the main symptoms is anhedonia - when you no longer enjoy things, even activities you used to love. Depression robs you of your joy, leaving life in black and white. We'll explore the depths and find ways to bring color back into your life.

  • Trauma impacts you in ways you might not even realize. By looking at your experiences, we'll make connections that help you understand your behaviors and heal.

  • Deconstructing religious beliefs and examining trauma stemming from religious practice can feel like your entire world is being pulled out from under you. This is a very personal, very complex process that brings up intense feelings of guilt, shame, fear, confusion, and isolation. Additionally, attempting to balance your needs and wants with those of your family and community of origin is no easy feat. Finding your footing and sense of belonging in your new world is often a long and challenging road. Our therapy provides a supportive environment in which we can unpack your past experiences and explore a life that aligns with your beliefs and values.

  • Low self-esteem can lead to accepting less than you deserve in relationships, jobs, and friendships. Together, we'll work on building your self-worth.

  • We'll explore patterns in your relationships and understand how they impact you, helping you find healthier ways to connect.

  • Moving, new jobs, marriage, kids, aging—life transitions can be scary and painful. We'll explore what these changes bring up for you internally and work through them together.

Our Approach

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to lose sight of who we truly are. Here, we offer a sanctuary—a place where you can explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences without fear of judgment. I primarily use a person-centered psychodynamic approach as well as EMDR therapy. These approaches empower you to uncover your desires and needs, free from external voices and pressures. It's not about quick fixes; it's about meaningful, lasting change.

  • "Working with Bella has given me tools to understand myself better and stop repeating the same mistakes. I feel like a better version of myself."


  • "It's hard to describe what it means to have someone who sees the pain I'm going through and is here for it, however I show up. My sessions with Bella have been a lifeline during a particularly difficult time."


  • "Humor and warmth make even the tough conversations easier. As someone dealing with chronic illness, it often feels like no one truly understands what it's like, and I don't want to burden my family. Bella provides the space to explore not just the physical aspects but the emotional and mental toll as well. I feel heard and supported in a way that makes a real difference in my daily life.”."


  • "Can I just say my Mom absolutely loves you? She's the last person I thought would be willing to do the work in therapy, but she's become so much more relaxed and less stressed about all of us. Thank you!"


  • "Working through my anxiety with Bella has been eye-opening. Her supportive and patient approach has helped me understand the root causes of my anxiety and develop practical strategies to manage it. I’ve learned to approach my fears with a new perspective, and the tools and techniques Bella has provided have made a noticeable difference. It’s been a relief to work with someone who genuinely understands and helps me navigate these challenges.”


  • “From the very first session, I felt completely seen and accepted for who I am, flaws and all. Bella is not just a therapist; she is a compassionate partner in my journey, guiding me with warmth and understanding. Her gentle approach and down-to-earth demeanor made it easy to open up, even when it was uncomfortable. This isn't a quick fix; it's a genuine process of healing and growth, and I’m grateful for the supportive presence every step of the way.”


  • “I truly appreciate how Bella meets me where I am, without judgment. Her ability to create a safe, non-judgmental space where imperfections are embraced has been incredibly empowering.


  • "Thank you for giving me a safe, empathetic space where I could openly explore my feelings and concerns about my son's transition, without fear of judgment. Your guidance helped me navigate the complexities of this experience, from managing my own emotional responses to balancing family dynamics and community expectations. I now feel more confident and connected with [my child], and I’m grateful for your support throughout."


  • "Growing up in a strict religious system, I found myself increasingly disconnected from beliefs that no longer resonated with me. This journey of unraveling my entire worldview has been both confusing and traumatic, especially when everyone around me shares the same beliefs. Bella provided a compassionate space where I could explore these complex circumstances. She helped me balance my personal needs with the expectations of my family and community, allowing me to be respectful while still honoring my own truth."


  • "Bella's approach is compassionate and grounded, and she welcomes feedback, making every session feel collaborative and truly supportive. I like to say that our therapy relationship is the healthiest relationship I have."


Let's Talk

Please feel free to reach out with any questions you have.
I’m here to help.

To book a session, click here.
Your first session is free.